[담낭염] [만성담낭염, 담낭절제수술 후기] (남, 38, 미국) 단일공복강경 담낭절제수술_김정윤 원장
작성자 단일공복강경센터 작성일 2022-12-26 조회수 6426
  • ·진단 : 만성 담낭염
  • ·수술방법 : 단일공 복강경 담낭 절제 수술
  • ·수술시간 :
  • ·집도의 : 김정윤 원장
  • ·경과 :
  • ·성별/나이 : 남/33
  • ·지역 : 미국
  • unlike back ia the ststes where I nat to wait bours to get diagnosed even in emergency, 
I came to korea and got diagnosed the very next day. I didn't have to wart more
than 10 minutes to gat X-ray and other needed care before the surgery.
As soon as I went in for surgery, all I can remember was after waking up.
The nurses were kind and took care in manged timlive and can get discharged the very next day.
Also, don[t feel much paln after the surgery which was amazing